You have the power to imagine. See prospects beyond one’s native imagination.
Imagine politics as a BIG space (cosmos) where every politician wants to venture the universe of Democracy. Just like, infinite black cosmos — political space has many features; stars of different size and shapes, planets and, their revolving satellites (moons), asteroids, comets … in fact a complete galaxy filled with unknown black holes — Dangerous but, intriguing. Since, you have the power to imagine — you must have decoded — what these heavenly bodies mean w.r.t. political equivalents.
The UPA is like a galaxy of multiple (and random) political–planetary system. There are two major galactic systems floating in our Democratic Universe: One — The UPA (United Progressive Alliance) and, Two — The NDA. (National Democratic Alliance)
There’s a spurt of other galaxies too; smaller in size with half life; very different to the natural galaxies — these galaxies are some random formation of political–planetary system with their own planets and their satellites e.g. if an MP is a planet then his followers will be his satellites (moons).
Universal laws of Physics does not apply here.
Unlike natural planets, political equivalent can shift their orbit at given any moment — same norm applies to their moons too i.e. a particular moon of a particular (political) planet can choose to orbit a very different planet. Therefore, it becomes crucial for that planet to generate abundant gravitational energy (pull), so that its moons are firmly bonded and inline to a predefined orbit.
Here, planets can be naturally classified into; male or female planets — though, there’s always a possibility of a ‘third’ type — meandering in the lower sub-systems of this vast universe.
Universal laws of Physics does not apply here.
And, then there are some who are like asteroids and comets; that come from nowhere — play their stint (or stunt) and are then reflected back to … again nowhere (imagine SP candidate from Lucknow.) Asteroids are those vast sections of party workers, who have nothing else to do other than revolve around their respective planets (Netas).
This Democratic Universe is not an absolute vacuum. It is filled with various electro-magnetically charged gages whose motion and paths are influenced by various political–planetary systems. Also noticeable are “Black Holes” whose attributes still needs to be investigated.
As you know that a black-hole is the densest object known in the Universe — so dense, that even light fails to pass through it! Its magnetic power is unimaginable and — sucks everything into its center i.e. “point of singularity”.
Political “black-holes” are “negative destiny” in a political space. Such is its power that even big political galaxies aren’t spared. Recently, BJP led NDA became victim of this BIG BLACK HOLE! Such was its density that even Advani’s solar flares got miserably sucked into it.
All galaxies (including their subsets) floating in this Democratic Universe are radioactive in nature. Various political elements in this space emit some form of radiation. These elements may also gain … what we call — “critical size.” This size may apply to a single planet or a group of planets i.e. a political–planetary system. Critical size may directly affect other political elements or groups who haven’t — in fact, the present constellation does not allow any planet or its subsystems to reach this size.
Theoretically speaking — critical size invokes fission and i.e. an irreversible process. Hence, if any planet’s size grows to the extent of this size — it is immediately divided.
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