I want to exercise my rights too!
Right to express my views and — accept others views too. I'll do it here —
Recently, I replied to a topic created posted by a news channel on their website. (see blog title)
My reply never made it on their page — here's my view;
►► "Low voter turnout" is a huge and a complex issue — but, first — how many out of the big billion have — Voter ID cards?

Second — who is to be blamed for, low key voting?
It would be highly inappropriate to solely blame us for this. People know it very well — what a Vote means and, the value it carries when that button is pressed on EVM. People also know their candidates and therefore, in my opinion — they don't want to waste their precious Vote on candidates — “NOT WORTHY” in their eyes or senses (Absolutely justified!)
Political parties’ fielding candidates upon their own discretion DOES NOT capacitate to — people voting for them, though theoretically speaking — one must and, should Vote.
Our democracy is facing two-way practice of abeyance for quite a some time now. One: Political abeyances from actualizing people’s democracy through commitments prescribed on their own manifesto and, Two: Voter’s abeyances from feeding, democracy with fresh air of votes — both practices, compliment each other on tangent. (Not conducive)
Discussing political abeyances is a sensitive issue.
Yes! Voter’s abeyances may be discussed to a certain extent. Voter’s apathy NOT to stand in-queue for his/her democratic statement, is in itself — A STATEMENT — this is people’s motion of antitrust against political corporations. This should not be made into a laughing stock like — “Pappu can’t Vote #?$%!” — As a matter of fact — “Pappu doesn’t wants to Vote!” — And, that’s very simple: reasons stated above.
To add, insult to injury — illegal immigrants with ration cards and voter identity card are frisked to vote. (And, Why won’t they?)
I haven’t seen the Press talk much about — Rule No. 49(O) in the Conduct of Election Rules 1961 that says — "Elector deciding not to vote - If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form 17 A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer, and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark."
In my opinion, Rule No. 49(O) is an instrument of accountability provided by our Constitution — though, it has remained off-key well before I was born. I was talking about; people’s motion of antitrust against political corporations —
This is that antitrust law provided to us, by our constitution. To protect us — the voters — and maintain — democratic integrity.
So, the next time you see a Pappu — don’t laugh or scorn —
► Tell him to exercise his/her VOTE through 49(O)
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